Saphire Migration provides simple, quick and efficient guidance with student visa application process. We help promising students to easily apply for student visa by guiding them at every step of the process, making the experience less tiresome and time-consuming.
A student visa is a symbol of authorisation granted by a country to a foreigner, allowing them to visit, stay within or leave that country for work/study/visiting reasons. It is a compulsory requirement for students who wish to pursue education in a foreign country. Full time degree students (undergraduate and postgraduate) are allowed to work part time during the academic year, and full time over the summer holidays. Please note that your right to work on a student visa does not start until you have formally enrolled on your course.
International students must apply online for the Student Visa also called Subclass 500: This student visa allows the student to stay in Australia for up to 5 years for a full-time educational course of study in a recognized educational institution. This visa also allows you to bring family members to Australia.
Not Just Traditional Visa & Immigration Firm
A prerequisite authorization granted by the Australian government to a foreign student allowing them to visit, stay within or leave Australia for educational purposes.
A form of evidence that the student’s intention behind the visit to the country is completely educational. The Department of Home Affairs will consider certain factors, such as, the general circumstances in the student’s native country, potential circumstances for the student in Australia, how valuable is the student’s desired educational course to their future, and the student’s immigration history.